Is it too early to worry about having babies? 30+ too late??

So I am 27, and you obviously know that because I made an entire post about it some time ago. In a few years I will be 30, the big 3.0. Feels all kind of legit and officialness ha!

Anyway, I have been catching baby-fever lately ( hence why I enjoyed myself too much making this posts collages, how cute are these babies??!!). It´s strange because just 3 years ago, I was almost certain I wouldn´t be having children, or at least not until I had finished my 20’s!  I even raised my nose at people who liked to say “don´t worry, that will change”. Like, how dare you think you know me and my uterus! Well, thank goodness I only said that in my head, because 3 years later, and I am wondering if I can even wait passed 29 to have a little cutie.

To be fair, a lot has changed in those 3 years, or generally my entire early twenties, where I was so sure cuties wouldn’t be on the list until I hit 30+. Having a partner I really adore and who also wants a little family to add to this world, surely helps soften up the uterus. We would also like to be open to adoption somewhere down the line, when we have our finances sorted (because it´s actually really expensive to adopt).

To go back to the subject, I wondered where this feeling was coming from and what else than my relationship had affected my change of mind. I have a few/2 or 3 childhood friends who have babies but that´s not a lot to be fair, since most of my friends are still baby-less. This is so random because I really didn´t believe in that statement either; “watch, when your friends start having kids, you´ll want some too”.

I could also be spending too much time looking at cute insta babies and families, and somehow that has hacked into my system? Whatever it is, I know my uterus has to chill because I still need to do a few more things, both me and my, hopefully, future pappa in crime, can take on that adventure.


So I woke up a few days ago, realizing/accepting that I was probably not going to really be ready to have a kid in the next few years. I decided instead, to seek some comfort amongst other women, who had had their children later on in life too: First I have my mother, who had my little sis at 42, so that can´t be too bad since she is holding up pretty well. Even though I don´t plan to wait that long,  it´s nice to know that the deadline isn´t knocking on the corner. *Crossed fingers.

I also found out that the beautiful Jennifer Lopez was 38 years when she was pregnant with her twins (which she conceived naturally). And JLO seems so lively still, balancing both her work and babies, so i´m gooood. I think Halle Berry is 46 having her second child, like how??  So I think we can chill at the very least until our early thirties at least. Now, let´s hope when we are ready, my eggs will be just as willing to bless us with life. Amen.

It was just really assuring to know that there is obviously more time to think about having kids, regardless of the uterus aching temptation around me. It´s great to live in this time as a woman, where we have more choices as not only how to be mothers, but also when to become mothers 🙂

So, I am gonna calm down and pull it back a notch and hopefully when all is settled, me and T will have some lovely little babies to add to our love and life. For now, I got to get to work on project me and us, saving up, building a secure foundation and nesting,  and working on hopefully creating a better world for them before they come! Oh and enjoying the two of us, building a strong team-spirit for that adventure 😉

Wish us (and my uterus) luck guys!

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